Why do you need headshots?

I’ve recently been finding value in what it means to be a professional. Its not only the knowledge you have, or your table manners. it comes down to also how you present yourself. You wouldn’t show up to a sales apt in jeans, sweats or gym clothes. So why look so casual in your images? That selfie is not serving you trust me. Having a sense of what you are looking attract will help you. If you are trying to build trust think about it. Are you more apt to trust someone who has spelling errors, selfies, outdated info on your site? Now way jose.

Heres what careercontessa.com has to say about it.


1. You’ll Look the Part 

If you want to be treated like a professional, you must look like a professional. Period.

2. It Will Help You Take Yourself Seriously 

Making a (small) financial investment in a professional photo shows that you take yourself and your career seriously. And there are few things more appealing to a professional contact than that.

3. You’ll Stand Out From the Crowd

As important as a professional headshot is to landing a job, many adults still rely on the poor quality cell phone photos they ask their friends to take. You’ll make recruiters, potential employers, and important contacts take a closer look if you’re sharing a photo that’s high-res and visually pleasing.

4. You’ll Stay Top of Mind 

By including a memorable professional photo on your social media accounts, you allow people to put a face to a name, meaning you are more likely to stay top-of-mind to the important people who look you up, whether before or after you meet.

5. This Is Your Only Shot

Pun intended. In this fast-paced, digital world, contacts are often too busy to read more than a few lines of your resume. A good headshot is your best chance to make an instant (and positive) first impression. Don’t waste it


1. Hire a Photographer

There are professional headshot services in most cities. Here are just a few in some major cities:

2. Take a DIY Headshot 

No time to schedule a shoot or no budget? No problem. There's an easy way to take your own professional headshot. All you need is a friend who's down to spend an hour or two.

Sterling the Majestic

As I was setting up for some holiday sets for clients I needed a model. Mary Ann and I have talked about a portrait session with her and her herd. And today was perfect! With a fresh brush and some sunshine we went for it. How amazing that this Andalusian Stallion wanted his love to shine for his human. This unbreakable bond is obvious in all the images. A girl in love with her horse. Meet Sterling.

Christmas Joy

This little bundle of joy was amazing to work with. She had smiles for days despite the cold weather. I could photograph her any time.  A child's innocence is a good reminder to not take things too seriously sometimes.

Only days left till the big day. The last of my gifts came in today. Thank goodness right?! Now have to wrap and make em pretty just to be ripped open. To see the excitement on our receivers face. Is that why we do it? See them start to think of using it, wearing it, or hanging it? Today I pondered if this could be looked at as a selfish act as well? Am I giving the gift to showcase my love. To show just how much I care? What if we can't give everything we want to offer? What if we give too much? That used to be how I showed my love. Wanted to make people sooooo happy on Christmas Day. Thinking that what I got them was just what they wanted! But then I felt some kinda way if it wasn't reciprocated. So, I become more simple and thoughtful with my gifts. I really like giving photos that I have taken for sure.  So this Christmas guess what people are getting? Yep PHOTOS! Now if I can only put some of my own up on the wall. 

Have you read the 5 Love Languages? If not its a must read to understand ones you love, who you work with, your kids, and most importantly YOU! I have learned that without physical touch I notice shifts in my behavior.  They say that its a good place to see what it is that you do the most. Where I love giving gifts, cooking for others or giving praises. Touch is still my main thing. Maybe thats why I so enjoy massage. It just makes sense to me. 

Any who I digress. Back to Christmas joy and finding a way to just be with the ones you love. Maybe its cooking, shopping, watching a movie, driving around looking at lights or just cuddling watching the snow fall. Find a new tradition and try it on for size. I personally want to do something with art this year. Maybe paint, draw or go out and take some pics. Either way love can be shared with more than just things. Share as much love as you can this year! Theres plenty to go around. 

In the meantime isn't this baby ADORABLE? 

Senor Juans Commercial Photo Shoot

It all started with my friend Kyle Shackleton. He is the Mid-Atlantic North Area Manager at La Flor Dominicana. My goal was to get Kyle in a natural setting so he brought me to Senor Juans and introduced me to Nick.  Nick has made the atmosphere comfortable, inviting and sophisticated and a perfect match for my environmental portrait of Kyle. 

The first day I went in was a treat! A man was hand rolling cigars! The second shoot day I spent lighting up his cherry wood humidor and glancing inside scoop to a member.  I took the time to light the glass bottles and the cabinet itself. The challenge came to the reflection I was balancing out on the surface of the cabinet. After I sorted that out it was all about giving some love to the glass bottle of Tall Ship Malaga Islands Barrel Aged Rum.  

Here are my fav shots from both shoots. Check out Senor Juans in Belmar, NJ for a fine smoke with some good stories. 


Woodstock Inn VT~ Vermont Wedding Photographer

Emily & Aaron ~ August 27, 2016


The day was beautiful for starters. It only got better as the day went on. Total no stress day. As a second shooter for Amy Spirito Photography I was able to capture Aaron with his closest buddies from Philly to Boston. From there I looked for the creative pieces this couple choose to share with those closest to them. Emily and Aaron had a balance between them. Was really lovely to be in the presence of them declaring their love to each other. Thank you for having me be a part of your day~

With love ~Kristen


Venue: Woodstock Inn 

Main Photographer: Amy Spirito Photography

Finding Space for You

As we go into our hibernation state with cold weather. Remember to let the leaves fall and get replenished into the mother earth. Release what doesn't serve you and all that good stuff. Im sure you have heard it before that holding on to stuff only makes it difficult to make space within yourself. what if holding on to that pain was all you had. Maybe it was what kept you comfortable. That the unknowing of your story looked like without that story. Without the conversation you have with others. The emotional gain you received telling the story over and over. Like I silent approval that we are seeking. And how scary it would look if the story was different? What if we didn't get similar approval ratings?  We carry these bags because we are comfortable with them. We know the weight we know the size, the color, and the smell. 

I remember when I opened up the opportunity to move out of the country. The thought of closing my business', leave my clients, family and friends. Rationalizing this new drastic chapter in my book of adventures.  I did research about the process of visas, work opportunities and how to live. Not all people were on board of course. And I had to look at each opposition with love and consideration. At one point I made the decision. Not sure when, but I was like a prepping ninja. Massaging and photo shoots on overload. Reducing my personal inventory to bare bones.  And strengthening those friendships with love. 

Somedays I would look at why I was leaving all these comforts for something so new. My life was good. Lets just call it comfortable, and uncomfortable. I was missing my Frank.  But I was enjoying life, travel, work, network etc. Something was missing. A piece of me was restless. I urged for connection to my soul. Find the deeper purpose to my book of adventures.  This urge for a deeper connection was foreign to most. They just assumed I would go over and get it out of my system and return to them. Return to my 'normal' life. 

My love well was running dry and the only one to fill it was me. I needed to make sure I was taking care of myself. Life skills are rarely taught in this side of the world. Coping skills. What are those? Like seeing a therapist, burning our pain away, working out, drawing, painting, calling a friend, sleep, medication? YES to all of them. And maybe for you none of them. Coping skills have grown over the years for me. There are a few steadfast 'go-tos' like exercise, mediation, being in nature, long drive, music, wine, and sleep.  Now sometimes it can be outta balance and I can drink and sleep. Or i can choose to go for a long drive to someplace new, have a nice dinner, and explore. Meditation used to just be a good time to nap. I hoped that the information was getting thru to my psyche even tho I was snoozing. Now its part of my daily routine. My day will go much smoother if I start off with a visit to my alter, a good song, and gratitude.  Knowing what to do for YOU to balance out isn't always easy. I must add that talking to my family and friends is a must. Processing with so many different view points helps me see the larger picture. And sometimes I just need to say stuff out loud. 

So what happens when you enter into the black hole. You are in your routine and don't even realize you are in a stagnant cycle? Here are a few things that can be clues: Negative self talk, excessive sleeping, and weight gain just to name a few. The first thing I try to do when I notice these is go for a walk in nature. This can be so awakening! Try to pull off of social media and your phone in general. Try to even put on airplane mode to see if you can just be with yourself for long. Without those distractions. Be in your own head for awhile. 

We must water our own wells, and recycle that which doesn't serve us anymore.  No one else knows that better then ourselves. Don't let your well get too low. Be aware, be in-touch, and listen. Our body is the best barometer. 

These images are from a recharge walk I needed. Thorncrag Bird Sanctuary in Lewiston Maine will always be one of my main recharge stations. Something about this sanctuary just does it for me. Find one for yourself! 

Branding Your Business

Online marketing hasn't been this important till now. With the instant gratification to know what things look like is at its PEAK. First impressions are the most important. If your site is looking drab or has really old photos. Better yet phone pics!! :// (Insert emoji) 

Fear no more. I have the solution. Environmental portraits, product shots and clean beautiful location pics. Don't worry this won't take up much of your time. I will work like a stealth ninja in your space. You won't even know I was there. The most time it will take will be for your portraits. Environmental portrait preferably.

This will be your 'face' to the public. It will show where you work. That your real, approachable and someone they want to do business with. 

This isn't limited to a specific business type. I have done work for fish farms, bars, dance studios and mortgage offices.

Next to questions I'm sure you have is WHY...or the bigger question HOW MUCH will this cost me?

Ill go with the investment first. Ask yourself a few questions: 

  • How many people do you want to draw into your space?
  • Are you content with your current clientele?  
  • When did you take a vacation?
  • Have you ever had professional photos done?
  • Have you updated your website?
  • Do you have a proper website?
  • Is your business growing or stale?
  • Have you hired new staff in the past few years?
  • Have you googled your company yet?

If these few questions has peaked your interest call now. Lets start a plan to bring your business to the next level!